12 Feb
Contract Award - DOKA Eurolink V, Sittingbourne
We are delighted to have been successfully awarded the
contract for the Design & Build of a new multi-million-pound Office and
Warehouse development at Eurolink V, Sittingbourne for DOKA UK.
is an international producer and supplier of formwork used in all fields of the
construction sector, having a worldwide workforce of 6,700 with 160 branches in
70 countries.
V is the fifth phase of the large scale Eurolink employment development site,
with the potential to provide 46,600sq ft of employment floorspace, with an
overall site area of approximately 11 hectares
works on site will include the construction of a 2-storey air-conditioned
office, approximately 2,500m2 of heated and insulated warehouses, together with
hardstanding for access, storage and Parking.