07 Aug

Contract Award - Major new warehouse and distribution centre, Canterbury

WW Martin has been appointed to deliver a new multi-million project for Gomez 4 (G4), one of the country's largest produce companies, servicing both the leading supermarkets and non-multiple customers.

Working on site in Canterbury, this project will see us deliver a large new warehouse and significant additional facilities to the major distribution centre operating on site. The works include new state of the art cold stores, ripening rooms, packing stores, loading bays, locker rooms and staff facilities.

The works to the new warehouse and additional distribution centre will be delivered on the site of Gomez's current headquarters, which is one of the busiest distribution and consolidation centres in the UK. To ensure that the works do not impact on the operation of the busy site, we have worked closely with the client team to develop extremely detailed site logistics plans to ensure the smooth operation of the existing facilities.

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