31 May

WW Martin Shortlisted for the South East LABC Building Excellence Awards 2019

Following on from our success at the South East LABC Building Excellence Awards last year, we are delighted to have nominated as a Finalist in the Best Social or Affordable New Housing Development' category this year for our works to Thanet District Council's Strategic Housing Development, Phase 1.

Our work in partnership with Thanet District Council involved the redevelopment of five sites in Margate and St. Peters, Broadstairs to provide 11 units comprising a mixture of flats, houses and bungalows.

All homes meet the HCA Design Standard and Lifetime Homes standards; a set of principles applied to general needs housing to provide accessible and convenient accommodation for a wide range of the population, from households with young children to older people, and individuals with temporary or permanent physical or sensory impairment.

Works to the 5 Sites is as follows:

Perkins Avenue

Works involved the construction of 2no. 3 bedroom, 5 person semi-detached houses, each with parking and external amenity spaces on a site previously housing two rows of garages.

Normans Road, St Peters

The redevelopment of the existing garage site provides much needed housing with the site now providing two 3No bedroom, 5 person houses for let at Affordable Rent.

Prince Andrew Road (Site A)

The provision of two 3-bedroom, 5 person semi-detached houses and one 2-bedroom, 4 person bungalow each with parking and external amenity space.

Prince Andrew Road (Site B)

Two new 3-bedroom, 5 person semi-detached dwellings each with parking and a large area of external amenity space on an area previously occupied by two rows of garages.

Princess Anne Road

The development provides one detached two-storey building containing two 2-bedroom, 4 person flats each with parking and external amenity space.

Winners will be announced at a ceremony in Brighton on Friday 21st June. Fingers crossed!

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Registered Company Name: WW Martin Ltd. Registered Office: Dane Park Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 7LT. Company Registration No. 504927. Place of Registration: England