Our latest headlines
Construction works to the new Costa Coffee in Minster are looking good
We extend a warm welcome to Angela as our new company HR Advisor.
We were delighted to be on site today to mark the start of a large-scale campus redevelopment at Folkestone College to provide exciting new state of the art facilities.
We have successfully handed over 26 new homes in Ramsgate to Thanet District Council.
We are very pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted as Finalists in no less than 3 categories for the SECBE Awards 2021.
The construction works to deliver light industrial units and a creative laboratory in Ashford are making good progress.
Works to increase the school’s capacity to a 2 Form Entry are progressing well.
Registered Company Name: WW Martin Ltd. Registered Office: Dane Park Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 7LT. Company Registration No. 504927. Place of Registration: England