20 Feb
MP for East Kent, Polly Billington visits our office and local housing project
We were delighted to welcome Polly Billington, MP for East Thanet, to our head office in Ramsgate last week, to coincide with National Apprenticeship Week.
Polly was keen to learn more about the history of WW Martin in the local community, our commitment to apprenticeships, and the role we play in delivering high-quality construction projects across Kent. During her visit, Polly met with Ian Posnett and Mike Darling, alongside Angela Gardiner, our Social Value Champion, to discuss our recent and current projects, and enjoy a tour of our offices to meet and engage with our team, including many of our current apprentices.
The visit continued at our Dane Valley Arms site in Margate, where we are delivering high quality and sustainable affordable new homes for Thanet District Council. Polly was able to see the excellent progress being made on site by our team, which includes the work of our bricklaying apprentices, helping to highlight the benefits of creating opportunities for local people through the delivery of construction projects.
We are very grateful to Polly for taking the time to visit us and we look forward to continuing our engagement with her and her team.
“I really enjoyed my visit to WW Martin, where I was able to learn about how they work in Thanet and across Kent. I was struck by their commitment to apprenticeships, which are a fantastic way of supporting young people in Thanet into secure and well-paid jobs.
“It's great to see the company continuing to play an important role in our community as they approach their 150th year as a local employer, building much-needed homes for Thanet residents.”
Polly Billington, MP for East Thanet