a competitive tender process, we were appointed by Kent County Council to construct a two-storey extension for The
John Wesley CEM Primary School, a mainstream state school originally
opened in 2007.
The completed work provides eight new classrooms, office space and a larger main school hall, all accessed via a new first-floor link bridge to the existing school
the construction period, all activities on site were carefully carried out
within a live school environment.
Particular consideration was given to minimising noise and dust, given the
immediate proximity of the existing school to the works on site.
School assemblies were also held to highlight the activities of the works on site, raising awareness amongst the children of the potential dangers on construction sites.
We were praised by the client on this project for the consideration we showed to the well-being of the staff and pupils at the school, and the efforts we made to help avoid any disturbance to lessons.
Client: | Kent County Council |
Architect: | Hartwell Architects |
Registered Company Name: WW Martin Ltd. Registered Office: Dane Park Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 7LT. Company Registration No. 504927. Place of Registration: England