An insight into our completed work portfolio
The construction of a single-storey extension, entrance lobby and internal refurbishment at the Kent Business School.
The redevelopment of 5 sites in Margate and St Peters, Broadstairs, providing 11 housing units
The construction of a new performing arts building and associated facilities at Kent College Canterbury.
Design & Build works for a modern new school to accommodate 420 primary pupils with provision for 26 nursery places.
A new Rapid Assessment Patient (RAP) Area at WHH to improve patient care.
Regeneration of a disused site in Ramsgate town centre to provide eight new homes.
The design and construction of a Dementia Care Centre, an extension of the existing registered care centre.
Registered Company Name: WW Martin Ltd. Registered Office: Dane Park Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 7LT. Company Registration No. 504927. Place of Registration: England